
Hello! Salut! 🐌

I'm Jérémi. Here I write about stuff I do and learn online.

I'm hoping this place can be a digital garden. A kind of space where I work and think with the garage door up.

I'm currently working as a Cloud/DevOps Engineer.

📍 Based in Montréal, Qc.
✉️ [email protected]


Bash with no letters


Quick setup: MongoDB on macOS with Homebrew

Zsh function to assume a role in AWS


Basic CI/CD pipeline with AWS S3, 11ty and GitHub Actions

First steps with AWS, Terraform, Jenkins and Ansible

OSINT quiz 2020 - Sector035

Comment configurer Cloudflare avec Vercel

Notes: méthodologies en gestion de projet

Projet: Radio-Canada Mini


Configurer Docker sur un Raspberry Pi

Privacy oriented Firefox set-up