Terraform/terragrunt tools
- tfsec - Static analysis security scanner for Terraform code
- Checkov - Static code analysis tool for infrastructure-as-code
- KICS (Keeping Infrastructure as Code Secure) - Security vulnerability scanning and compliance testing
- Terrascan - Static code analyzer for Infrastructure as Code
- tflint - Terraform linter focused on possible errors and best practices
- Terraform Parliament - Security analysis tool for Terraform
- Terratest - Testing infrastructure code
- terraform-compliance - Compliance as code framework
- config-lint - Rules-based configuration validation
- tool-compare - Comparison suite for security tools
- Infracost - Shows cloud cost estimates for Terraform
- Terragrunt - Thin wrapper for Terraform that provides extra tools
- Atlantis - Terraform pull request automation
- driftctl - Infrastructure drift detection tool
- Terrahub - Enterprise Terraform GUI
- OTS (Open Terraforming Server) - Open source alternative to Terraform Enterprise
- Terraformer - Infrastructure to code tool (reverse Terraform)
- CDK for Terraform - Cloud Development Kit for Terraform
- Former2 - Generates Terraform/CloudFormation/Troposphere configurations from existing AWS resources
- cf2tf - CloudFormation to Terraform converter
- cf-to-tf - CloudFormation to Terraform converter
- specctl - Kubernetes to ECS converter
- hcl2json - HCL to JSON converter
- terraform-docs - Documentation generator for Terraform modules
- Brainboard - Visual infrastructure builder and Terraform code generator
- AirIAM - AWS IAM least privilege Terraform framework
- Pike - IAM policy analysis tool
- CodeArtifact Package Origin Control - Package security toolkit
- Terraform AWS Secure Baseline - AWS account secure baseline configuration
- Terragrunt example infrastructure - Example implementation of Terragrunt
- yor - Automated infrastructure tagging tool
- Terve - Terraform and Terragrunt version manager
- tfmigrator CLI - Terraform configuration and state migration tool
- tfgen - Terraform monorepo management tool
- tfquery - SQL queries for Terraform infrastructure
- tfnotify - Terraform execution notification tool
- Conftest/Confectionery - Policy testing against configurations